Epic Car Camping Set Up for Music Festivals
Car Camping Rug
Car Camping Rug
Car Camping Tarp
Car Camping Mirror
Shade Tent
Shade Tent
Fold Up Tables
Fold Up Chairs
Blanket Scarf
Garbage Bags
hamocks woods
JBL Pulse
Bucket and shovel
water jugs
House Plant
It's soon going to be that time, music festival season... and many times, at the camping festivals, you'll find yourself camping near your car. This benefit allows you to securely lock away your valuables, and many times, create a really neat camp site. Try blocking one side of your shade tent with a van for example, it makes a nice privacy wall and allows you to still get inside the van through the side door while under the shade tent.Here's a bunch of things you can bring to create the most epic car camping setup at Backwoods this year:
Standup Mirror
Shade Tent or Shade Cover for Tent
Fold Up Tables and Chairs
Battery Operated Lanterns (Decorative too!)
Blanket/Scarf (You'll want one that is fashionable, but also large enough to sit on as a blanket!)
Oranges, PB&J, Trail Mix, Water, Capri Suns, Go-gart, Coconut Water, Applesauce, and other awesome taste goods
Bug Spray and Citronella Candels
Trash Bags
Hammock (This is to bring into the festival with you and relax in the shaded Nirvana Woodlands!)
Small Battery Powered Speaker
Shovel and Bucket
Several Gallons of Water Jugs (For fire bucket, drinking, and rinsing things!)
A plant to spruce up your awesome hang out area.
Top 10 Foods to Pack When Traveling to a Music Festival
Vendor food isn’t doing it for you anymore? Trying to save money for merch? Or do you just not feel like leaving the comforts of your campground?Alas, you remember the stash of food buried under dirty clothes in the corner of the once-clean tent. Somewhere beneath the sweat-soaked T-shirts is a cooler that some how managed to keep a few things cold.
- Burger patties – Freeze the patties before packing them into a cooler. Not only will they thaw in time for a Day 2 dinner, but will keep other items in the cooler chilled. The same can be done with hotdogs or chicken.
- Peanut Butter and Jelly – Be it bread, crackers, apples, ect., peanut butter can be consumed several different ways and won’t go bad. Jelly, likewise, does not have to be refrigerated.
- Trail Mix – Easy to travel with and contains quite a bit of protein, nutrients and sugar to tied a hangry music lover over between meals.
- Chips – Because someone might get too intoxicated one night and will need the greasy substance to soak up the alcohol. Chips and salsa also make for a great non-perishable snack.
- Fruit – Apples, bananas, oranges etc. can replenish lost nutrients throughout the event.
- Ramen Noodles – Bring you back to the college days, or maybe you’re still there.
- Jerky – Toughest thing about keeping this available is keeping other campers away from your stash.
- Bagels – Carbo load in the morning for a long day of standing, concert going, and maybe a tad bit of drinking.
- S’mores fixings – S’mores are figuratively the best part of camping, bring them to the community fires.
- Water – Technically it’s a drink rather than a food, but it’s just that important.