VJ Fader Logo Creative Stage Design
Fader is a creative visual artist who works with multimedia in a variety of disciplines. 3D projection video mapping, video animation, art installations, and creative stage design, are just some of the things found in his wheelhouse, and his work has been shown to audiences around the world. He has exhibited at numerous festivals such as Coachella (Indio), Burningman (Black Rock City), Insomniac Events (Los Angeles), Fuji Rock Festival (Japan) and the Mapping Festival (Geneva). He received a degree in Animation from the Art Center in Pasadena California, and later taught himself to write programing code for his audio and video performances. He founded the Neuromixer VJ Software Company in 2004, which features video software and innovative prototypes like FaderTouch. He continues to showcase his work internationally, ever expanding his techniques and finding new applications for their use.